



Biogas Power Generation Project


Biogas power generation system is an energy saving and environmental friendly system. Its to use industrial waste (organic waste in winery,food factory and etc.),agricultural waste(farm animal waste) or municipal domestic waste(restaurant waste,kitchen waste,urban waste and etc.) to produce biogas by anaerobic fermentation. Power generated by biogas engine may be connected to grid or self consumed. Waste heat from biogas engine may be used in production of biogas(anaerobic fermentation),greenhouse heating, industrial heat supply or civil heat supply. Besides, biogas may also be used as industrial fuel gas or civil fuel gas. Biogas liquid is used as liquid organic fertilizer. Biogas residue may be processed to solid organic fertilizer used in agriculture.



Organic wastes are converted to heat and electricity in the biogas power generating system. Biogas power generating system is a clean,efficient,economic and safe power generating system. Its valued and widely spread in developed countries. In some west European countries, grid power generated by biogas accounts for about 10% of the total amount of energy.





Biogas Power Generation Project



Biogas Cogeneration Process


There are various waste that can be used as raw materials for producing biogas, such as agricultural wastes, kitchen garbage, and other organic wastes from livestock farms, breweries and food-processing plants. After proper pretreatment and anaerobic digestion, these organic wastes can be transfer into biogas, and then into electricity. Then power can be sold, while waste heat can be used for heating. Also, biogas can be used as fuel, while slurry can be used for liquid fertilizer, and solid biogas residual for solid fertilizers. 

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